Wednesday, July 4, 2007

9 Years and Counting

Ryan and I celebrated our 9th anniversary today. Yep, we were married on the 4th of July...the day we "lost our independence"! ;-) You know you're past the romance stage when you celebrate your anniversary by going to the mall to buy a washer and dryer! We all went dressed in matching red shirts. Ryan said we looked like a circus act.
Tonight, the kids and I went downtown where Ryan was doing a live shot for the 10 and 11 o'clock news and we watched the fireworks down by the Reedy River. The fireworks didn't seem to phase Zachary, unlike Elaina who cried the first time we took her to see fireworks. It was a long night, since we waited around until Ryan was done with his 11 o'clock live shot before we headed home because traffic was horrible for a good hour or so after the fireworks were over. Elaina enjoyed sitting in the live truck and watching a real live "live shot" going out on the air and Zachary actually stayed awake and happy through it all.

Zachary excited about his first fireworks:

Ryan shooting the fireworks for the news:

Elaina watching Daddy's live shot:


Jennifer said...

Ha ha ha! I know what you mean about the anniversary thing--This past year, Andy and I were just kind of like, "Instead of buying each other presents, let's just get this or that for the house." and, "We'll do something romantic later." (Yeah right)--LOL! We have high hopes ;o)--Anyways, just wanted to drop by to say hey--I love the t-shirts :o)--We were downtown last night, too (and stuck in the terrible traffic after the fireworks scared the daylights out of Landon--ha ha) We should have called you guys! Oh well--let's get together soon!

Pam said...

Love the shirts! Happy Anniversary! After the fireworks, we waited around for the traffic to die down, but we still had to drive in circles because they had the road we needed to go down blocked! (We were in unfamiliar territory.) It must have been fun viewing the fireworks from the reporter's perspective! When we went to the library today, you could tell all the kids had been out late last night because they were all zombies. My two actually sat on my lap the whole time!

Anonymous said...

Happy (belated) anniversary! How cute is that family picture? Zachary's little smile is so precious! :)

David Spach said...

I was just wondering who takes the photographer's picture? Great portrait of the family. And Happy Anniversary!