Sunday, November 2, 2008

Engagement: Amy & Brandon

Here is the long awaited sneak peak of Amy & Brandon's engagement photos. Sorry for the delay guys...we've been incredibly busy...thank you for your patience! I'm hoping to have your slideshow done in a few days, but I didn't want you to have to wait any longer to see some of my favorites from your engagement session.
And last, but not least...this one cracked me up. It shows my attention to detail (or lack there of, in this particular case!) I saw the word "survival" painted on the wall and thought, "Oh, this will be cute to incorporate into their engagement pictures." You know, surviving the relationship or the wedding planning or whatever. Well anyway, not until I was back at home editing the pictures did I continue to read and see that it also says "underwear"! Okay...not exactly what I was going for, but I thought it was pretty funny! ;-)

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