Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I'm a Winner!
I just found out tonight that I actually won something! This is not a normal occurrence for me, so I am very excited about it! I don't normally enter photography contests because most of them require a fee to enter and I just feel like that's a waste of my money, so I don't enter anything. Well, my website company ( and another photography website forum ( ran a newborn photography contest and it was free, so I decided to enter one of my favorite newborn images. And I WON the contest! My prize, you might be wondering...a free website template and hosting for as long as I want to stay with the company! What a wonderful prize! :-)
Here's the image that won the contest...adorable little Sarah. Strange thing is, I just saw her mom, Allison, out at a restaurant today and then found out tonight that I won this weird is that?!
Here's Portfoliositez' contest winner announcement on their blog.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Here's adorable little Acie. I finally figured out who she reminds me of...the Gerber baby, don'tcha think?! :-) Julie & Chris, I enjoyed hanging out with you guys and getting to meet the new addition to your family!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
A sign of the times...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Landry Grace
Last weekend, I got to meet Miss Landry Grace for the first time. I photographed her mommy and daddy's wedding a few years ago and know that this little girl is such a blessing to them. Already, at 8 months old, I can tell that she's going to be quite a little firecracker...just like her mom, I think! ;-) Kristin and Jason, thank you so much for traveling all that distance to have me photograph your precious angel!